Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inaugural sham

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Well, I watched the Presidential Inauguration and did not see anything much different than the one with George Bush. I enjoy pomp and ceremony as much as anyone, but the whole thing cost taxpayers millions of dollars which was foolish in these hard times. Besides It was not an event for white Christian Americans to celebrate.

If Barak Obama stood for the founding principles of this country we would have hope. But He doesn't. First of all I don't think He has a clue about our hollowed principles. I don't think he knows how to run a civilization. Black people have never created a civilization or maintained one and I don't think Obama is any different than the rest of his brethren.

As for the economy Obama said nothing about the Fair Trade Pacts and bringing industry back home. That is what American workers need. Workers pay taxes and taxes support the government. There would be no bankrupt state, local and federal government if we had full employment. He did not say one word about closing the borders or sending the aliens back to their native countries. They do not comprehend the hollowed principles of our Constitution any more than he does. Our Founding Fathers and the principles they set forth mean nothing to any of these people. They have their own heritage that is important to them and do not belong here.

The men who put Obama in office and surround him are Zionist Jews and they have their own agenda which bodes ill for America. These terrible enemies are running our country. They own the Banks and the media. We have an Israel First policy instead of America first. As long as we fight their wars and fund Israel our country is on the road to destruction. It is no different now than long ago when Jesus Christ came to Palestine to help mankind from the forces of evil. Please notice His entire life was war with the Jews. He revealed what they are like and the methods they use. Christ opposed no one else, just the Jews.

We Christians are going to have to be like Jesus and do like Jesus. He was an implacable force against the Jewish system. Not once did he back down, not once did he compromise, not once did he lift a finger to help the Jews and not once did he deviate from his course. From the beginning to the end He was in a life and death struggle with the Jews. They hated Him. Hate is what motivates and drives the Jews.

Jews will say they have the right to survive which seems normal enough, but the Jewish survival is demonic. The way the Jews survival is to destroy others. Nothing interferes with their survival. This explains why they are utterly brutal and ruthless. No action is too low or too inhumane for them to use. No one is exempt - not the weak or the helpless or the defenseless. Human pity does not stand in their way. Little children mean nothing. Jews are as vicious with an infant as an army man.

This is the force we are up against!

Jesus understood the Jews. He was as implacable with them as they are with others. He was One against many but He fought relentlessly. Jesus Christ was not defeated, you know. He rose from the crime of His crucifixion with hundreds of people as witnesses. His eyes could see through the centuries to this day. That was why He showed us that if we take a stand against the Jews we will not be defeated, either.

The Creator of the Universe came on our behalf, in order that we might live and live abundantly. Th event of His Coming defies nature, but it happened. It seemed normal to those long ago people, but it was world shaking. The Father knew that white people would accept the Son. He knew we would build a great culture around Christ as our Godhead. We are special to God because goodness is special. God wants the survival of white Christendom. Otherwise, God would not have bothered Himself for the sake of mere human beings. Our survival is God's Will. We must not fail Him.


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