Monday, January 26, 2009

Failing Christians

January 26, 2009
It's a sad day when white atheists take a stand more like that of Jesus Christ than white Christians. What are we coming to when it is the white atheists who side with Jesus in fighting the Jews?

Christ brought us together under His wing. We developed Christendom. Men call it the West or western civilization. Back when the White Man esteemed Jesus Christ we developed great art, great architecture, original music, classes of peasants, Knights and Kings, law and order, an honor imperative and then, earth shattering science and technology. These are the things that make civilization. Otherwise, civilization would not come into existence. I notice that Intellectuals write as if they assume all of us naturally understand this. We don't. It is necessary to make it plain. What's wrong with an unlettered man getting the picture, too?

But now, it is all sliding into the abyss.

Christians number in the millions; atheists number in the dozens. If the white atheists had the numbers like Christians I am sure the Jews would be hot footing it out of the west on every boat, airplane, motorcycle and donkey cart as fast as they could.

The atheists loathe the Jews. They also despise the blind Christians. They understand as the Christians do not that Jewish hatred is what makes the Jews tick. They know the Jews will kill because they have developed a system of survival around hating and no one threatens their survival, not man, woman or infant. They are especially vicious with women and children. Women give birth to the future and children are that future. The Jews do what they must in order to be Jews. This is who and what they are. They slither and slide around to hide their deeds and intentions because they can't be too open or white people may catch on and turn on them. So they destroy us by degrees, systematically. With organization and networking.

This is the same force Jesus Christ fought. Jesus was as implacable with the Jews as the Jews are implacable with us. From the beginning Jesus and the Jews were in a life and death struggle. They strung Him on a cross because He would not give an inch. He fought their creed, their greed, their lies, their dishonesty, their secret power and all the hatred and human carnage that hinge on Jewish survival. Remember that the High Priest said it was better to kill one man than let a whole nation perish. Make no mistake, the war between Jesus and the Jews was a war to the death.

Christendom is at that crossroads. We are in a life and death struggle with the Jews. If we do not remove them from the west they will destroy us. We did not choose this war, but we have no choice but fight it. Our survival depends on fighting. Anything less is weak, cowardly, dishonorable and fails Him who came to this earth just for our sake.


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