Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is treated as a racial document. As if Thomas Jefferson included all races and all cultures when he penned that all men are created equal. Thomas Jefferson was a white man thinking white thoughts with white intentions to create a white nation of equality for white men. Those are the intentions of the Declaration of Independence. Race had nothing to do with it.

Independence from England and British rule was the independence he alluded to. Nothing else. He knew even as we know that equality within a race does not apply to other ethnics groups. Only white men can be equal with white men.

Jews decided to change the meaning of the Declaration of Independence to benefit them. How were they going to get rich and powerful off a Christian country unless they could enforce the idea that Jews are entitled to the same equality as white men? Now, of course, this was a one way street. Jews do not consider other ethnic groups equal to them.

Presenting their credientials as the Chosen of God with the claim that Jesus was a Jew, the Jews were able to immediately established themselves superior to all other groups.
However, our Founding Fathers had warned us against Jews. We did not heed their advice and the Jews have ruined white Christian America!.

Considering the racial and religious damage Jews have done to America, Thomas Jefferson and the other signers of the Declaration of Independence would be horrified and enraged. Nor would they understand why white men allowed the Jews to rise to such dangerous prominence.

It is simple. Jews outsmarted us.

They used our Christian sense of honor and fair play against us. Jews competed with Christians for dominance and won. Jews benefit the most from the fruits of Christendom and not the Christians. National statistics report that the white man is the lowest ethnic group on the totem pole in employment, college entry and income. The US Dept. of Labor provides a detailed census on statistical sampling.

White females do not fare any better. More Black and Hispanic women are employed than white women. The Jewish controlled media would have us think that white men make women second class citizens. Not true. As we can see by the national statistics it is not a class issue. It is racial.

Jewish men and women rank highest of all in economic groups. By using other races against us the Jews were able to gain position and authority. This is the dirty little secret of the Jews competing with Christians according to the tenents of their religious creed which gives them the right of entitlement over their host, the white Christians.

Jews continue with hate laws against Christian liberties.


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