Friday, February 13, 2009

What is the answer?

Is America gone?
I am certain the Jews created enormous unemployment, poverty and crime in Mexico in order to create a state of desperation so Mexicans would risk life and limb to get out and where are they to go? North, of course, to the United States.
Now, the leadership in the United States Senate has created a stimulus bill that would reward Mexicans workers for entering the country illegally. Not only that, but another bill would make them citizens within hours of their arrival with the proper paperwork. Lawyers, mostly Jews, are scrambling to assist this alarming process.
Jews have ruined America!
Obviously, Christian Americans have no strength or will to fight off the forces overwhelming our country. No plans are being made, no one is taking a leadership role against the destruction of race and culture. We write. That's all. We write. We write articles of protests. We write angry letters. We write books. We write on blogs. We write on discussion forums. We write letters to our elected representatives.

The Main Line Media takes precedence. Nothing we write has the power of the main line media. Media rule supreme. The government takes its order from media. Politicians bow and scrape to media.
Jews own media.
Would anyone enlighten me as to why the public heeds the written word of the Jews to all the other writings - the letters, the books, the blogs and discussion boards? What is the secret power of the main line media? Is it because much of what media present is as if they are just one of us expressing what is good and right for us to know whereas those of us not hired by meda write as through we are trying to instruct the public what to think?


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