Monday, February 23, 2009


The modern day Jews are communists.

In the era of the old Bible they were the Hebrews and managed to successfully plunder the Egyptian treasury by attaining positions of power in the Pharaoh's office. In the era of Christ they were the Pharisees and once again they had very powerful political positions albeit somewhat obscure. But even the Roman Senators dared not speak above a whisper when discussing the Jews. In modern times, they are the Communists/Marxists/Zionists and once again they- somewhat obscurely - are in positions of great power in Government, in media, in the banking system with a central bank called the Federal Reserve, in education, in the Courts, and in the office of the President of the United States. Presently, they are plundering our treasury. Billions and billions of dollars are being handed over to the Bankers without so much as an accounting of where our money goes or for what purpose. No doubt much of it goes to support Israel and the rest of it goes into their private coffers. But it is tax dollars taken from our work and our sweat. Our Founding Fathers did not intend for us to have a central bank which controls and manipulates the national economy. We have depressions and recessions all at the whim of the Communist bankers. We are forced to pay these taxes to them whether we want to or not. This is an immoral swindle of the people that our government should never have allowed and should take steps to end.

The Jews make laws against talking about them. They have successfully instituted horrendous hate speech laws in most European countries, in Australia, South Africa and Canada. Apparently, Argentina has hate speech laws, as well. The Jewish ADL has a network in most nations. That is how they keep track of all internal affairs.

Many gentile men are harassed and charged with breaking these laws, constantly taken to court for countless offenses and went to prison. Opinions that differ from the status quo are not permitted.

The way these Communist Jews go about it is to accuse the white gentile host people of prejudice, bigotry, and racial hatred of minorities without even mentioning the Jew word. Naturally, the minorities - although not smart enough to understand what is going on or who is doing it - sense the opportunity for enriching themselves and willing go along with the scheme all of which helps the Jews set the stage for hate speech laws and hate crime laws making it illegal to accuse the Jews of anything. It is a very clever and successful tactic. In reality hate speech laws are for the purpose of preventing criticism of the Communist Jews.

It also keeps us so embroiled with minorities acting up and making nuisances of them selves which keep us distracted from focusing on the real problem which is, of course, the Communist Jews.


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