Monday, November 2, 2009

Our Communist Regime

It is what it is.... Communism. The Jews are hatching every oppressive law imaginable. The ADL is behind most of them as well as the Civil Liberties Union and the Southern Poverty Law Center. We are becoming a land of Communist laws - all in the name of fairness, equality and rights. The Marxist brand of "fairness" is in no way like Christian fairness. Nor is Communist words like "rights" and "equality." Christian ideology has an entirely different definition of what constitutes fairness, rights and equality. It is individual freedom based a moral foundation of Chistrian doctrine.

What happened to Christian freedom.

All the laws a Christian nation would never do is being passed by Congress who swore to uphold the Constitution. Abortion, integration, Civil Rights, Fairness laws...and that is only the tip of the ice berg. It is amazing the names applied to these laws of oppression.


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