Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Alternative Solution

We white Christians must offer something better for the people than the Jewish Marxist and usury system. Christ offered something different than the Temple that took the best of everything the people owned and fleeced them of what little they had as if this kind of iron clad tyranny was what was right and just.

Nothing about the tyranny of the Civil Rights laws, the debt system, the controlled media, the sleazy entertainment industry has anything to do with rights or equality. Like Christ we must offer freedom from the sins Jews impose on us. We must offer a better life than the burden of usury, consumerism, taxation without representation, forced integration, the disease of perversion, infanticide...etc.

Christ helped people so they could get on their feet and help themselves. He did not put chains on them. He gave people self esteem. People who help themselves have self esteem and appreciate feeling worthwhile. We must work for this and design a way of life that is beneficial and not just a rip off and swindle.

Let us take a hard look at how Christ did things; His way replaced the Jewish way of doing business. We, too, must develop a plan along the lines of Christ. We must do away completely with the Jewish system and develop a humane system where people are able to fit in according to their talents. But it must be on our terms and not on Jewish terms. That is the all important objective. No Jews. Christ replaced the Jewish system in all ways. He also rejected them! Jesus Christ left the Jews out of His system of salvation and so must we. If we love the Lord we will do this. No other way will please God.


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