Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jewish Male Indoctrination vs. White Male Authority

There is one thing about indoctrinated person has no idea he is indoctrinated. Trying to deal with indoctrinated people is a job we are ill equipped to deal with. Indeed, indoctrinated people create pain and have no understanding of what is happening or why. Scores of families have had to deal with the pain brought about by indoctrinated members within the family unit.

The Jews have an insidious indoctrination program. It is hard to imagine a tribe of people consciously working to indoctrinate another race of people, but that is precisely what the Jews set out to do. It makes it much easier, of course, to be in control of media and the entertainment industry. Having that kind of control gives the Jews free and unlimited access to testing their theories and improving them as they go along.

Indoctrination can only work in the absence of authority.

A male is authority. A husband is the authority in a marriage; a father is the authority in the home. White men are the authority of the White Race. Jews, with their control of media, displaced White male authority and replaced it with Jewish indoctrination.

Jews push teenage rebellion, i.e., to be against one's parents, (mothers, in particular), to be against established authority,"Big Brother," the status quo, teachers, etc. Since teenagers are growing up and discovering a big exciting world out there, start to experience peer pressure among their age group and have the desire to be "with it," they are easy fodder for Jewish psychology. Not only have many millions of young people made disastrous decisions that butchered their lives, but brought pain and turmoil into their own homes. It is as if a snake slithered into the house.

It is shocking how much pain the Jews create for families in their own homes. Indoctrinated people are misery makers. They bring misery to people who love them and they make themselves miserable. But until we point out the indoctrination process they will not deviate from their disastrous ways. Nothing moves them to act better or be better. They think their families are against them for simply doing what they think they have the right to do. They don't know they are indoctrinated. They don't know they act and behave the way they do because of indoctrination. To sum it up - they are knuckleheads!

But this is a situation that can only exist when there is absence of authority. Women, in particular, become radical feminists because of the lack of authority. They think it is a big deal to take over a man's job. Abortion is the worse thing women do. Only the Church has retained enough authority to prevent more. But don't blame it all on the women. Women are no different now than they have ever been throughout human history. Women need authority. The simple fact is White men are not the authority, anymore, and without authority millions of white women are prey to indoctrination which their minds absorb like a sponge. There is nothing there to block it.

The indoctrinated always have a high opinion of their intelligence. In their own minds they see themselves as dramatic, exciting and more advanced than traditional and better grounded people. How do we deal with indoctrinated people? Tell them the truth. Give them a few examples of the pain and stupidity their unhinged decisions have caused. Tell them they have no racial instincts. They probably cannot create any more trouble than they already have. Tell them who the hidden power is and how they are indoctrinated by it. Hopefully, it will be a kick in the gut. It is extremely unlikely they would like to be looked on as indoctrinated - instead of intelligent.


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