Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our duty as a Race and Culture

Weakness is our undoing.

We can't seem to come together to do anything about our situation. White Men are too busy functioning as a high culture. They keep inventing things, discovering things, developing scientific marvels.... What they do they do for the good of humankind. Their nature is to use their minds and talents for worthy endeavors. It is as natural as breathing. Unlike the Jews, White Men don't spend their time planning another group's demise. The Jews have done enormous damage to the west. Their intention is to wipe us off the face of the earth. It is mind boggling and rather like a nightmare, but it is true. The evidence is everywhere.

How do we get white men all over the western world to stop doing what they are doing long enough to clean up the west? It does not make sense that the highly evolved White Race is failing to do anything about the Jews. It is a cardinal sin to create a high culture and not protect it with all our might.

I read the newspaper and watch television and see and hear extremely intelligent and successful men talking about white achievements, about history, about wars, and many things that would not exist if not for their genius. They puzzle me. I wonder about them.....why are these intelligent, educated and thinking men failing to use their genius to put a stop to the devastating destruction of the Jews? Shouldn't that be as important as discovering the next scientific breakthrough? Shouldn't that be attended to as surely as finding a cure for cancer?

Isn't getting rid of the Jews a matter of white honor? No people on the face of the earth is as filthy, dishonorable, dishonest and vicious as the Jews. Aren't we supposed to be above all that? Where is the White Man's honor in eradicating this filth from our culture? One may as well as be a liar, a thief and a killer if he allows lying, robbing, cheating and swindling - and killing. Shouldn't we be willing to ruthlessly cleanse our white world of this loathsome, filthy tribe? We are supposed to. Of that I have no doubt. Jews are no part of the west, of Christendom, of science, of the entire white world. Everyone of us should be involved in getting rid of this vermin. It does not take a degree in rocket science to do our duty. It is a duty.

Not dealing with the Jews is probably an act of high treason against European Culture and a sin against the white race.


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