Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Egotistical Jealousy

Do we understand what egotistical jealousy is? Don't we suffer it from less talented people? Something about your honesty and goodness and good works give less good and less talented people feelings of inferiority. Their egos take a nose dive. They burn with jealousy which becomes egotistical hatred - even on a small scale. This is exactly what happened to Jesus of Nazareth. This is why He was crucified.

Jesus Christ did not need to plagiarize original ideas; He had His own. He could think, plan, organize, give blessings, forgive sins and carry out His mission without taking anything from anyone. Jesus Christ did not need to swindle people and engage in false, sanctimonious methods of ripping off people. Jesus was the living God. He had no money and never asked for any. He gave His blessings free of charge. He did not lie; He was honest; He was strictly about truth.

The Jews hated Jesus Christ for His superiority.
Their problem? They do not have what it takes to compete on a level playing field with a higher life form. Their lacks made them jealous and their jealously created hatred. Their lacks made them parasites - dependent on getting the finer things in life by taking things that belong to others.

So what happens when a group like the Jews are not satisfied with what they do on their own, but want what belongs to others? They lie, cheat, steal, manipulate and do all they can to benefit from the intelligence and work of others while isolating them with lies so the majority won't comprehend what is going on and go to their defense. Jews are parasites.

Lack of freedom to communicate not only victimizes the "producer" of original ideas and good works, but they steal credit that belongs to him and keep others from knowing anything about him - or his predicament. That is what egotistical hatred does.

Jews do not have original ideas. They are unable to come up with ideas like the white Christians. This enrages the Jews. They feel entitled. Obviously, God does not think so.
We don't have the full picture of the enmity between God and the Jews other than they killed His only begotten Son. But enmity does exist. The Roman Governor was an honorable man. He gave the Jews a choice. Jews don't do that - give a choice. The Jewish crowd chose Barabas over Jesus Christ. God accepted that choice. They chose scum. Jews are the scum of the earth who choose the scum of the earth and promote the scum of the earth and wallow in the scum of the earth.

Are white Christians allowing their sense of honor get in the way of good sense? Are we really obligated to the Jews? Are we obligated to put up with anything they do regardless how heinous because we feel we must "do right" by the Jews? Why?

We often wonder why Jesus Christ specified He came as a "random for many" when millions and millions of people lived and died before the time of Christ and therefore, had no chance to accept Him as Lord and Savior. It does not make sense until we begin to realize that the coming of Jesus Christ was not only for the purpose of establishing a covenant of forgiveness of sins but also to exclude someone. The covenant of Jesus Christ has a condition to it. No scum.

When the Jewish crowd chose a murderer over the Son of God and had Him crucified a deadly edit was passed down on the Jews. From that day forward Jews are barred from the Kingdom of heaven. Just as the crucifixion of Christ released White Christians from our sins His crucifixion exiled the Jews from God. Forever. It is foolish for White Christians to feel they must "do right" by the Jews. Stop allowing them to make you feel that way. Leave the Jews to God. Remove them from Christian Society. Or America and the West will face the wrath of God!


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