Monday, March 2, 2009

We must rid the west of lies

People do not know what to do. They trust the Jews because of the Old Bible. Never mind that they slaughtered people right and left and robbed the Egyptian treasury. Never mind that Jews murdered Christ. Never mind that Christ called them liars, the children of the Devil and that they would do the work of their father - which is nothing less than evil, total evil. Never mind any of that. Church leaders ignore it. They do not speak the truth; they fail their flocks. Consequently, the people do not know who our enemy is. They only know something is terribly wrong, but have no idea why.

The enemy is who it has always been - the Jews. They have developed a world of lies like a spider web over Christendom. It has never been anyone else. It never will be. The Children of the Devil are out to destroy us as surely as they destroyed the life of Jesus. Jews are why we are going broke, losing our homes and becoming homeless. Jews are the reason why the largest tax collector in the world, the IRS, collect taxes on every small business and working citizen in this country for the Jews. They own the central bank - the Federal Reserve - which loans money to the government and tax us to pay the interest. All against the wishes of our Founding Fathers. They warned us against an international, central bank.

It is the Federal Reserve that determines the state of our economy. It rises and falls on Jewish whims. We can thank them for our children going hungry, for losing the roof over our heads, for losing our heritage and future, for even losing our family pets, for doing without.

Jews are why we have a Negro problem and a Hispanic problem and why Europe has an Asian and Muslim problem. Jews are why Third World denizens are pouring into North America and the European nations, Australia and South Africa by the millions, bringing their ignorance, superstitions, savagery and lawlessness with them. They are unable to live in a highly developed civilization like ours. They have no concept of civilization. They cannot be like us. All the Christian love in the world cannot turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

Jews were around long before the western civilization and don't think they don't know what they are doing. They cannot nail us to the cross like they did Jesus Christ, but they can destroy civilization with millions of uncivilized non whites which will destroy us as surely as they killed God Incarnate.

Where is God? He is not here because we live under a cloud of Jewish lies and hate laws based on lies. Our leaders are spineless and fearful. They spend millions of dollars to get elected, but do not have the fearlessness it takes to stand up for what is right. They know they would get smeared and made an object of hatred. Or the Jews might have them assassinated like they engineered the assassinations of Presidents William McKinley, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Indeed, there is no doubt Jews would use the power of the media to viciously attack them. To this day, the Jews cannot forget that the Administration of President Richard Nixon unleashed an attack on the Jewish controlled media. They still revile him as a crook and a shadowy, criminal figure. But this is what Jews do. This is their way. Politicians should know what they are in for and have the brass to stand up to the Jews. The people would stand behind them.

We cannot deal peacefully with the Jews. They are liars and killers. They love blood and carnage like blood sucking vampires and ravish us like predators in the wild. They feed on blood and destruction all the while pretending they are persecuted and demanding sympathy and compensation. We have bent over backward for their persecution acts and given in to their whims. They have the other minorities believing we are persecuting them. White Christians are surrounded by a persecution phobia among the minorities....with feelings of entitlement and demanding compensation.

Jews make laws against our liberties with lies we are bigots who discriminate against others. Tolerating these kind of laws is agreeing we are those vile things which is dishonest. Hate laws are made against us as if we are criminals and strip us of our rights and freedoms. White Christians are not criminals. We can no longer stand for this kind of racial censorship.

Christians must throw off the yoke of lies by freeing media from the control of the Jews and give truth a voice once again. It is our duty. It is the only clean and honest course of action Christians can take. Can it be done lawfully? Probably not. The Jews are not going to hand over their power if they can help it. Nor will our cowardly politicians make them. But it must be done. If it means sabotage then we must resort to it. Sometimes sabotage is the only honest way to handle an urgent matter. This is war... a war for truth over lies.

With media out of the control of the Jews we can re-establish truth and honesty, law and order and Science and civilization. Nothing less will please God. God does not care how we do it as long as we get the job done!


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