Thursday, March 26, 2009

The world and the Jews

The Jews are pitting the whole world against white people. The world is approximately 92% non white and the whites make up only about 8%. Trying to manipulate the whole world against us is an ambitious undertaking. But what if the whole world decides to take a stand against the Jews?

Not only are the Jews lying about us, but they are lying to the rest of the world. How does the world feel about being lied to? Isn't it presumptuous of the Jews to lie to the whole world as if they should not mind being treated as fools unworthy of honesty? It is the height of disrespect. The Jews are an insult to every nation of people on the globe.

After all, what do the Jews do for anybody? What good is the existence of Israel to the world? In what way do the Jews or Israel benefit anyone?
The world can see what western science and Christian charity does. Every time a plane flies over taking people to destinations in a matter of hours, a gigantic ship pulls into a port loaded with supplies, a huge dam harnesses the water ways, a sick child is saved by medicine or surgery, precious foods preserved by refrigeration, heat to ward off the icy cold in winter, water purification systems, instant communications world wide by either phone or the Internet......where is all the bigotry and hatred white Christians are suppose to have for others? Shouldn't it be what we White Christians do and not what Jews say about us that should matter?

Perhaps, Israel feels that if they can use evangelical stupidity to wipe out Iran and the Arab countries they will control the oil supply and make the world subservient to them. That is probably the real motive for having an Israeli state. God's so called promise to the Jews is a cover. The existence of Israel has nothing to do with God or any divine promise. It's about oil!

Is the world going to sit still and let the Jews lie themselves into power? There is always a reason why Jews lie about people and lie to people. Money power, media power and oil power.

This time, the whole world will turn against the Jews.


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