Monday, March 23, 2009

No solidarity

White Christians don't love each other. Every ethnic group on earth puts their own group survival ahead of every other group - except the white people. White Christians run all over the globe hunting down other ethnic groups to feed, clothe and give aid. Their own needy people fall by the way side. That is not to say the Church won't help poor Whites if they come to the door. They do help them, but not without a certain amount of critical opinion that Whites are poor because they are lazy and don't want to work.

Charitable organizations for the poor also exist, but once again poor whites must go to them and also share the food and lodgings with other groups. Charitable organizations are not just for Whites. On the other hand, White missionaries deliberately go to foreign countries to assist non whites. They also solicit money from white communities with photos of pitiful, starving black children to touch our hearts and loosen our wallets even though year after year statistics prove those children will not grow up to be self sustaining. It seems that giving aid and supplies to non white countries only makes those people feel healthy enough to be sexuality active. The results are populations explosions that produce even more starving children to feed. Shouldn't that tell White people something?

Where does it all end? We have recklessly emptied our own treasury until now, we are becoming poor. Jesus never told us to squander His blessings. He said the poor would be with us always. All our efforts to abolish poverty will never succeed. Why do we not listen to the Lord?

Jesus commanded us to love one another as He loved us. He did not command us to love "others" as He loved us. He said to love one another as He loved us. There is little doubt the Savior knew our survival would be jeopardized by His worse enemies. In a world of ethnic hatred like ravenous wolves coming at us with bared teeth He knew that we, His sheep, needed a commandment from Him as a life line to hang on to in evil, dangerous times. As the creator of Heaven and Earth He could see into the future and He knew it would be us, the white Race, who would unite under His authority and form a great Christian culture - Christendom. The commandment He gave us was explicit and racial. It calls for racial and cultural unity.

John 15:12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."

The Jews have worked very hard to keep us confused, squandering our resources on others and keeping us divided and self destructive. Consequently, we are not loving one another. Nor will we as long as we do not obey Christ's commandment to love one another as He loved us.


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