Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jews vs Humanity

God does not want the Jews controlling His world. We have been led to believe Christ came just to save our souls in the after life. Is that all? Millions and millions and millions of people lived on this earth before Christ came. What about them? Were they unimportant to our Creator? No, I think they were just as important as the rest of us and Christ came to this earth for more than the after-life.

It is true the first humans were out-foxed by Satanic forces and handed over dominion of the earth to Evil. Just like the Jews have out-foxed the Christians in the West and now control us. Jews are the richest of any ethnic group and have the power of the media at their disposal. They control our politicians, our government, the economy and the courts.

Elitist Jews have fostered hate speech and hate crime laws on all western nations - using the race card on the west as if White Christians are the ones who hate. White Christians don't even understand hatred; we are the most fair and the least violent of all people.

The race card is the Jew's number one ace in the hole. It is their main arsenal in destroying freedom, rights and liberties and tearing our civilization to shreds.

Jews hate humanity
. Hatred is the motor that drives them. They have destroyed all existing orders, the Egyptian civilization, the Greek Classical, the Roman Empire, and now the west - Christendom. But is it over for Christendom under the tyranny of rich Jews? Let's take a look at spiritual history...

It is on record that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth and defended humanity. Christ arrived in Palestine, the heart of Jewry, and spent every moment of His adult life fighting Jewish power. He pointed out Jews as liars, children of the Devil, thieves and said "what does a thief do but come to kill?" Killers! He rebuked them, showed up their deceit and manipulations, took a whip to them, and made it clear that the Jews are the enemies of God by having Him crucified. Jewish hatred for Jesus Christ is hating God and hating God is hating God's humanity.

Jews are the only ethnic group who hates humanity. One would think they are the defenders of the 92% of the non white world against the 8% white world with all their racist accusations. But they are not. They keep racial turmoil, racial unrest and racial harassment going day and night. There is no peace with Jews.

The rest of the world is willing to listen to reason and get along with one another. Nearly all humanity is in favor of good relationships, cooperation and friendship. Jews are not in favor of any of that.

The Jews don't get along with anybody. They have so much greed for what belongs to others they hate all of us and will kill us for their benefit, their pocketbooks and power. The Jews want control of the world oil market, too. That is why war began and still exist in the Middle East. That is why Israel wants western forces fight their war with Iran.

Allowing Jews to have power in the West is a very serious mistake. It is a serious offense to Christ. The west is Christendom and belongs to Jesus Christ. We came into being because of Him and no one but white Christians should have control in Christendom. Certainly not our Lord's worse enemies. So, what are we going to do about that? We must, you know.

Christ defended humanity against the Jews, but humanity has not defended Christendom from the Jews. Christ gave us the truth about the Jews. It is all laid out in the New Testament.

Gullibility comes from innocence. But stupidity, weakness and lack of will may not be an excuse before the throne of God. Humanity must fight the Jews.


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