Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Terrible Confusion

It is a strange phenomenon that millions of white people consider Jesus a Jew, no different than the Jews destroying white civilization. Because of that they are falling away from the Church. Particularly since the Church took on the mantle of Marxism with Vatican II.

A White Man cannot see worshiping someone ethnically and racially different from ourselves. Many white men are not comfortable worshiping a man they consider a Semite.

The Church goes the other direction. They defend the Jews because they, too, believe Jesus was a Jew and want to love and honor His "people." They also fear that if they criticize the Jews or try to do anything to the Jews regardless how dreadful they are God may curse them. Both are wrong.

Jesus was no Jew.

I once had a vision of the Blessed Mother. I was in the chapel at the Audubon Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky. It was between visits to my mother who was in the critical care unit before she passed away. I was alone, quite worn out with grief and merely sitting there waiting for the time I could go back to her bed side. Gradually, I became aware of another presence. It was the Blessed Mother. I knew who she was. I recognized her as readily if I had always known her. I did not see her in a physical sense. We have a mental or spiritual eye and I could see her with my mental sight. It was as if a mist - or the atmosphere - had been brushed aside and there she stood. No colors, no light and no sounds.....

The Blessed Mother was reverent. Her bearing was regal and dignified. I suddenly understand why she was called the "Reverent Mother." Someone else had had an experience like this and knew how reverent she was. Her manner toward me was grave and respectful. Like me she had been a living human being and this was something we shared. Somehow, the understanding came to me that everything was alright. Everything - even death - is alright in God all things are right and alright. A weight lifted from my heart.
I still grieved for my mother, but the Blessed Mother gave me an understanding of God's ways and that those ways are normal and natural. As Jesus said "do not let your hearts be troubled."

The Mother of Jesus was no Jew. In no way did she look or act like a Jewess. She seemed as much like a motherly white woman as any white woman. Nothing about her demeanor was Jewish at all.

God would never have shown up on this earth as a Jew.
The Jews are the children of the Devil. They are liars, thieves, manipulators and murderers. Jews will kill you if you stand in the way of their agenda to destroy Christendom. But they are slowly killing us, anyway. Vitriolic animosity existed between Jesus and the Jews....strange behavior for the Son of God and those who claim to be the "Chosen."

Jesus succinctly said Jews were of their father, the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning. That rules out Jesus as a Jew. He could not have been both the the Son of God and a son of the Devil.

The Jews have gotten the lie across that Jesus was a Jew. Some of the most intelligent white minds in Christendom are fooled. The belief that Jesus Christ is a Jew is tearing us apart. On the one hand conscientious white men are dropping out of the Christian faith because of this. They are angry that a Jew would have such a hold on our race of people as Jews are destroying us and white civilization. They also despise the Church for doing absolutely nothing to stop the Jews.

The Christians themselves also believe Jesus was a Jew and because of it are tolerating everything the Jews do for fear they will be cursed by God if they don't. The west is being torn asunder with these erroneous beliefs.
Jesus would never have called the Jews the children of the Devil had they been the Chosen people of God. He would never have opposed the Jews or taken issue with them had they been under a covenant with His Father. If the Jews were what they claimed they would have been the first to welcome Jesus with open arms and proclaim His kingship to the heavens. Instead they hated Him, plotted against Him and killed Him.

Jesus was no Jew.
Somehow, someway, we have got to clear up this terrible misconception about Jesus Christ being a Jew and take a stand against the Jews before they completely destroy us, plunder our treasury, and make us slaves in Christendom. Jews are killers, but we cannot let fear of them rule us. It is our duty to get rid of the Jews.


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