Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Jewish Plague


I suspect the real reason Jews hate us is because they can't live without us. Jews are the only people in this world who must have the support of others in order to survive. Jews will always be scattered about the world living off other people. Nearly all people live in groups that manage for themselves and trade with other groups for what they want or need - except the Jews. The Jews go among all cultures and recreate themselves as natives or present themselves as a persecuted people entitled to special rights in order to survive. They cannot survive without living off other groups. They hate us for this condition and will kill us for even thinking of interfering with their means of survival. It is a life or death matter with the Jews. That is why Israel is ultra important to the Jews. The existence of Israel is to make us believe they are God's Chosen and therefore, in spite of their deception, dishonesty and violent nature have the right to live as they please or - Lord help us - provoke the wrath of the Almighty.

But we want to live, too, and are catching on. So far, in Christnedom those manufactured white Gentile faces the Jews live behind is what protects them. Taking on our looks enough to pass under the radar is the best defensive ploy the Jews ever concocted. They are not alien looking enough to raise the white peoples' antennas.

When it comes to other Mid-Easterners we are instantly on guard and suspicious. We see all manner of threats in the Muslims. They don't look white! Yet, the majority of white people have no idea Jews are as foreign as Arabs and Negros and Asians. Jews look white! Even intelligent white men who know the Jews are the root and cause of our problems seem to have trouble thinking of them as a foreign people.

We analyze the Jews to death, but we never pick up on the one thing that is the key to their defense and survival - those manufactured white Gentile looking faces that they live behind.

They certainly know we are not Jews, or Semites or desert nomads. Jews see us for what we are to them - aliens. They do not identify with us; we are not fellow human beings to them. The Jews have no feelings for us at all. We may as well be insects. We live strictly for their benefit.

We have all manner of principled feelings for people who look like us. We are white and the Jews look white. At least enough to get by. It is unthinkable to not treat the white looking Jews with the same protective feelings we have for ourselves.

The white people are never going to wake up and save ourselves until we get behind that manufactured white Gentile looking facade and expose the Jews for what they are and kick them out. The Jews can't live without us, but we can't live with the Jews.


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