Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bondage people

In the old Bible the Jews quite openly reveal they were in bondage. The fly in the ointment is they claim they were in bondage to Egypt. I don't think so. If they operate like the Jews of today - and there is no reason to believe they are any different - they victimized Egypt and not the other way around. It is tragic that the Jews completely destroyed the exquisite Egyptian culture. This ruthless parasitic tribe of desert nomads was not worth one finger nail of the unique Egyptian people. Nor are they worth the collapse of the western civilization.

But it is true Jews are in peculiar bondage. Like a pride of lions they must always follow the herd. They are chained to the herd. If they deplete the herd without another herd to feed on they die. The Jews have developed their survival at the expense of other people's survival. To date, they have destroyed every host they infested.

Unfortunately for the rest of the world the Jew's existence has not been threatened. Even though they are scattered around the world they stay as connected and united as if they lived altogether in one village. This is the genius of the Jewish Race. Regardless how scattered the Jews are they stay united and connected. No doubt this is the reason Jews say they are God's chosen people. It is highly unlikely God made a commandment with the Jews. What has a pure and decent God to do with liars? Jews made a commandment with themselves.

Throughout human history Jews have destroyed culture after culture, but they have managed to ensure their own survival.. Every time they came out smelling like a rose. When one civilization dies they move on to a developing one and start all over again with their infestation, working tirelessly to get into the good graces of the benign host people, keeping them off balance with accusations of racial hatred and claiming persecution until they have enough money and power to destroy them. It give the Jews a great sense of euphoria when they have enough power to wreak havoc. They have just pulled off the biggest heist in world history and created a global crises. People in all nations are suffering. Nation after nation is becoming poor and hungry. The arrogant Jews feel very successful.

The Jew's long range plans are to destroy all culture building races until no one is left except unproductive mixed breeds in order for them to realize their life long dream of finally becoming the Master Race and ruling the world.

No one has challenged the survival of the Jews. Not even Adolph Hitler in spite of the Jew's claim that he exterminated six million of them. But it must be done. They are bent on destroying truth and freedom. Having no freedom themselves these liars hate us because we are free.

Truth has made the west self sustaining. We do not need a herd to feed on. We built the west on truth and honesty. Truth is the foundation of Science and science is the foundation of civilization.

From the beginning of time Jews destroyed Race after Race, nation after nation, civilization after civilization and the time has come for the God of eternal Justice to exact His revenge on these murderers for their crimes against humanity. It is our duty under God to remove the Jews from our presence. No Jews, not one, must be allowed to stay in the west. Honesty demands it.


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