Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Jew's big scenario

Easter is almost here. Our thoughts and reflections turn to the Savior and His rising from the dead. This is the time of rebirth for Christians, a time when we renew our friendship with God and look with joy to His promise of salvation. It is a happy time.

The advent of Jesus Christ was a unique and one-of-a-kind event. The fact that the Creator of Heaven and earth would choose to express His love for humanity by living among us as the Son of Man is stupendous. Christians are humbled by it. His executioners, the Jews, took note of how we feel and crafted a method to capitalize on it. For two thousand years they set about the business of playing head games with the Christian world with the intention of making Christians subconsciously feel that Jews, too, are part of the divine aura of Jesus Christ. It was a crafty undertaking. It neutralized the feelings of anger and hostility Christians would naturally have for the executioners of Jesus Christ.

Instead, Christians have not dared have bad feelings toward the Jews regardless what they do as it is unthinkable that anyone would dare offend Jesus Christ. If Jesus was a Jew then His fellow Jews are His family. Christians love the Lord. Their love for Him spills over for the Jews and defends them. Consequently, the Jews are destroying Christendom and we do nothing to stop them.

We take unbelievable abuse from the Jews. This ethnic group has attached itself to the Christian ethnic group and vent on us the same rage and hatred they had for Jesus Christ. We benignly turn the other cheek. The Jews are obsessed with their hatred for us. They would not hate us so much if we put a stop to it. But we don't. They stalk us, watch us, spy on us, eavesdrop on us, cheat us, swindle us, convince other races we discriminate against them while taking us to court to make laws against our rights and liberties, bring in millions of non whites and non Christians to help harass us, make every aspect of our lives their business quite as if there is nothing abnormal or unusual about that.

The Jew's preoccupation with us and racial harassment is off the wall and abnormal. Other groups don't do that. Whites don't. Asians don't, Arabs don't, Blacks don't, Latinos don't. No one does except the Jews. They devote twenty four hours a day keeping us condemned as racists and bigots and changing the course of history of the western world. Jews have us turned on our heads. They have ripped us off to the tune of billions of dollars with no end in sight and use our military to fight Israel's wars.

There is not one good reason why our race should tolerate abuse from another race. Jews are not God-connected or Christ-connected or Jesus the man-connected. They don't live in any privileged relationship with God. They are not entitled to the fruits of another group's culture.

What can white Christians do to get another ethnic group off our back and put an end to their racial harassment? The Jews will never quit as long as we allow them to abuse us. It is our duty as Christians to restore Christendom to Christ and use the law against other groups taking over Christendom, particularly the Jews. Expel the Jews!


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