Thursday, January 1, 2009

Little hope for the New Year

Never has welcoming the New Year been more boring. The music was terrible, the live shows were masses of human flesh jumping about like monkeys, mindless people were screaming about they knew not what... What hope is there for the New Year? Grim economy, inflation, unemployment, businesses dying, the nation's infrastructure falling apart, homelessness, poverty, increasing crime, increasing taxes, the little people shelling out to the Bankers, non white leadership of a white civilization. It's a mess!

The Christian Zionists and the Zionist Jews seem to be getting rewarded for their hard won victory - Armageddon. They had better enjoy it while they can. Those of us who had no hand in this catastrophe are watching them with less than charitable feelings. How dare they push their mule headed, obsessive agendas on people without our knowledge or consent?

Both groups of Zionists know perfectly well what they are doing. One has the absurd idea that Christian Zionists have the right to force God's hand and bring about Armageddon so Jesus Christ will return and the other is the arrogant belief that the Zionists Jews are the Master Race with the right to rule the world. It does not matter what form of degradation, or pain or misery these obsessive beliefs bring on people - the poor, the rich, the young, the old, the helpless, the defenseless - neither group will give up their diabolical goals. Both groups serve the purpose of the other.

When did God decide to give up His power to people? If He did He certainly failed to inform the rest of us. The Son of God did not. Jesus appealed for goodness in Man. He favored peace, prosperity, wisdom, mercy, benevolence, kindness, honesty, purity, truth and righteousness.

Christ is our hope and the goodness in mankind is salvation. This is what we must strive for and not the horror of Armegeddon or a One World government.