Thursday, January 29, 2009


All the things I feel are important to our survival come from spiritual morality. The white race is spiritual. That's because we are honest. Civilization could not exist without honesty. Science would not exist.

It is a matter of astonishment to me that in this modern age some atheists take a stand more like Jesus Christ than millions of Christians. Atheists hate the Jews and are as intolerant of corruption and dishonesty as Jesus was. They know - as Christians seem to not know - that Jews are the embodiment of dishonesty and corruption. Unfortunately, atheists do not have the numbers to be a force tobe reckoned with.

Christians seem to think they are supposed to love the Jews regardless how evil they are. Quite as if that is the Christian way to be. Why that is I don't know. Jesus never took that position.

"God hates the sin, but loves the sinner," Christians will say as if that is an excuse for their paralysis in dealing with the Jews.

Jesus was not inactive. He walked all over the place instructing people to be just the opposite of the Jews. Every day of His life He met the Jewish corrupt leadership head on and never backed up. He was not afraid to call things as He saw them. He said the Jews were liars; He accused them of murdering the prophets; He called them thieves; He took the side of a harlot against them; He told them the Devil was their father. He was not afraid that God might curse Him for condemning the Jews - as they claimed in the Old Bible. Indeed, His lack of concern should prove to the Christian world that the Jews are not God's Chosen.

Who would ever have thought a small group like the Jews could or would destroy the west? But that is precisely the case. Jesus knew what the Jews were all about and pointed them out to us two thousand years ago. Indeed, the Jews are a formidable force, perhaps more so than any other people. The Gentiles have not figured out how to handle the Jews.

The answer is simple, I believe. Honesty. Honesty works. If we endeavor to have honesty in every facet of western life we would win and never be defeated.

High powered Jews or Blacks or Asians in charge of our culture is dishonesty at work. Every Jew owned newspaper and television network and motion picture is dishonesty at work. Every non white in government and cabinet positions is dishonesty at work. Every hate piece of legislation that gets passed is dishonesty at work.

Christians should never have allowed the idioms of fairness and equality and pity for aliens to replace honesty.

Honesty is the legacy Christ left us. It is the best of all legacies. In more ways than one!