Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Defense

I don't know what strategy the Jews came up with that destroyed those other great civilizations, but it was probably very much like the method they are using to destroy the west.

Jews would move into a culture, start working on taking over everything that belonged to the host people and then, in order to keep them from retaliating, someone like Karl Marx formulated a strategy to take the culture down. The rest of the Jews became devoted students of the strategy and dedicated their lives to carrying it out. The Old Bible is filled with their deception, robbery and atrocities - leaving behind ruined Civilizations. Everywhere the Jews went national disasters followed. Nothing remains of those great civilizations except the dug up graves of those once unique and creative people and their artifacts.

The angry, vengeful and vicious God of the Old Bible who - according to the Jews - commanded the Jews to deceive, trick, rip off and wipe out whole cultures of people is certainly not the Father of Jesus Christ. Jesus was compassionate. He did not lie and manipulate. He had no money and was not wealthy. He did not even own a pillow on which to lay His head. He was moral and honest. He said truth - not beliefs or love for every alien that comes down the pike - would set us free. He taught honesty and purity and good will. He was against dishonesty and taking what others produce and work for. Indeed, Jesus Christ took a whip to the dishonest Jews and lashed them out of the Temple for using God's House as a den of thieves where they took advantage of the Faithful. Everything Jesus did was the will of His Father and His Father was nothing like the God of the Jews in the Old Bible.

The brilliance of the Germans gave Karl Marx the leverage he needed to formulate his strategy for the destruction of the West. The Frankfurt School of Social Research soon followed and turned out dozens of well trained combatants. In Germany, Hitler understand what was happening and threw the Jews out and their Frankfurt school. The Frankfurt School moved to the University of California at Berkeley although the Jews had already gotten their central Bank, the Federal Reserve (to swindle the American people), established without the people's knowledge or consent.

Young Jews all over America attended the Frankfurt School. They now fill our universities where they carry on their training and indoctrination. These little communists commandos instigated the race riots and the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Then came the sexual revolution. One disaster followed another. Like the Egyptian King in the Old Bible who was manipulated by his Jewish whore, Esther, to murder Haman, his ten sons and 75 thousand Egyptians (for being wise to what the Jews were doing), our leaders are as weak and cowardly as the King. Weakness does us in every time.

The Oval Office in White Christian America is now in the hands of those same vicious, Christ hating, gentile hating Jews and an ignorant Black puppet who does not know his head from a hole in the ground. Obama does not make decisions. He does not know how. He's Black. Jews make the decisions for this country.

The whole Washington apparatus is the weak organ of white America. But white people are rebelling. Jews did not expect the anger they see exploding across America over their communist hate Health Plan. You can be sure the Jews are studying the Communist Manifesto and every nook and cranny of their Frankfurt Social Research instructions to come up with a big lie to water down White anger - as if we are nothing but cattle. But it may not work. The German Holocaust Revisionist, Ernst Zundel, said "Americans are armed to the teeth. Those people are the descendants of the Founding Fathers who fought for Independence and religious freedom and who wrote the greatest Constitution on earth. The Founding people settled the country. They weathered the harsh elements. They fought hostile Indians. They died at the Alamo. They will fight again. The American people are noble."

When Karl Marx wrote his formula from hell it gave the Jews what they needed to take off like a bullet. With their little text books in hand and other Jewish intellectuals adding pages to it with new methods and strategies the Jews are well on the road to wrecking Christendom.

As things stand the White people are impotent. They have no defense. White Intellectuals who rock the world with great science and technology have not developed a defense. Talking about the Jews without developing a defense is not the way to save civilization. Hate was the operative word for Karl Marx. What is the key around which we formulate a defense?