Thursday, January 8, 2009

Totally disgusting

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why is President Bush sitting on his hands as the Israelis bomb Palestinian families, particularly children. He is supposed to be a Christian. What is wrong with that man? Christ succinctly stated that what was done to children was an offense against Him. So much for Bush being a good Christian....

Why do the Jews hate little children? The world must start asking this question and taking a stand for the young! This time Israel claims they are after the military "Hamas," but they bomb too many homes and schools for that to be the truth. Israel has always used excuses like that to kill Arab children. Actually, they are killing America's children with abortion and putting them at risk in other ways such as busing them out of the safety of their communities and removing parental objections to homosexual teachers.

Jews were behind legalizing abortion. It was argued as a woman's reproductive rights. What has a woman's reproductive organs got to do with homicide? Why does having a womb give a woman the right to commit murder? The original excuses - rapt, incest, deformed children - have gone down the tube since 99 percent of abortions are healthy babies and not conceived by rape or incest. The number of abortions is high - over 40-million. They are not all white babies, of course, but most probably are.

Women, for the most part, are not deep thinkers. They can be psyched into doing something without realizing what they are doing until it is too late. Jews know that usually a strong maternal instinct does not click in until after a birth. Media have powerful influence on women.

Again, why do Jews hate children? Are they competitive with little children? Are they jealous of a child's innocence? Are Jews so corrupt they can't stand the sight of purity in any human beings? Are they afraid of children growing up and opposing them? Do they wish to take revenge on parents? Do they like creating pain and suffering in the world?

If the Jews are doing no harm to others they have nothing to worry about from other people. So, what is this all about? Indeed, why are we allowing Jews to kill children or create situations that are harmful, even deadly for children? What are our excuses?

There has got to be a very strange and unnatural reason by Jewish men like to kill little children. We must put a stop to it.