Tuesday, January 12, 2010

America is a Jewish Occupied Country

It goes without saying that men run the world. They look at the world in a much more objective way than a woman. But in this day and age many white women like myself are growing alarmed with the chaos we see around us. Millions of non-white races are coming into America and when they get here, they help bring in other non-white people to live at the expense of white civilization. We resist this kind of brazen intrusion and imposition. Those people have no business leaving their natural habitat.....Asia for Asians, The Middle East for Muslims, Turkey and Mongolia for the Jews, India for the Hindus, Africa for the Blacks, Mexico for the Mexicans. We built a country, America, founded on freedom for white people, but Jews are bringing the world to our shores over-running our white country and destroying our freedom. Jewish law firms, the ADL, the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center write our laws and rule over our judicial system. We and our resources are being bled to death.

What can a knowledgeable white woman do about this dreadful situation? Men run the world. Men know how other men think and they know what other men are capable of. But white men are failing America. The Jews have outfoxed white men. Our government has been sneaked out from under us by the Jews. The most powerful word that has undermined us is "fairness" which the Jews use to twist our sense of honor to their will. Jews have no sense of fairness. They only know the word is an effective one to use with honorable people. Jews still hide behind the written word - like newspapers- the spoken word- like the world wide television networks and weak traitors in the White House. They do not want us to notice that they have taken over by bringing us to heel with names like "anti Semites", "racists" and hate filled "bigots." Indeed, Jews use more racial slurs than the rest of the world combined. Count the numbers - more than two billion Asians, more than a billion Muslims, more than a billion Blacks and mix breeds and millions of Whites. Jews use the media to slur white people by trotting out Jew stooges and Blacks to interview on the major networks who help them use racial attacks against White people.

Israeli Jews are in the White House. The President of America is a Kenyan, Rham Emmanuel is an Israeli soldier from Israel who is the White House Chief of Staff. Another Israeli, David Axelrod, is the President's chief adviser. There are many other Israeli Jews occupying important and strategic positions in the White House.

Israeli Jews own our banking system and control our communications system. The Israeli lobby (a foreign lobby called AIPAC - American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) is the most powerful lobby in Washington DC. Why is a foreign lobby in Washington DC interfering with our governmental affairs? They should not even exist here, but less lobby our politicians. AIPAC finances the election campaigns of our political leaders which makes these men patsies to the Israeli Jews and to Israel rather than doing what they should be doing for white voters and the United States. These Politicians are scoundrels and traitors. They should be tried for treason and run out of the country on a rail. Hard times call for hard measures.

The American people don't want hordes of non-whites, we don't want open borders, we don't want forced integration, we don't want open housing that brings in non-whites and makes our communities unsafe for our children, women and elderly, we don't want Gay Rights laws (homosexuality is an enemy to white culture and can infect normal children for generations.) We don't want legalized abortion and a filthy entertainment industry and hate laws. We don't want a foreign people like the Israeli Jews with foreign interests running our banks and the economy, controlling our Public Information System, writing our laws and keeping us in the dark without a voice in our own affairs.

America is a Jewish occupied country.
We are a conquered people. Jews have out-lawed public displays of Christianity. They have replaced our sacred icons - the Christian Cross and the Nativity scenes - in the public square with Jewish Menorahs around the Whiter House (and allow other non-Christian religious symbols in public to conscript non-whites against us and stick a finger to Jesus Christ.) Christendom has been conquered by the Jews.

I pray every day for a way to help us get our country back, restore our freedom and make our Society once again a safe, happy place where children can grow up and do what God created us for - living great and wonderful lives that benefit the whole world.

The Jews are destroying the future of our children and replacing all of us with non white immigrants. White people are only eight percent of the world population and Jews are mobilizing the other ninety two percent of the non-white world against us with hate propaganda. They fully intend to wipe us out. Jews have always hated Gentiles. Jews have always waged wars with Gentiles. Jews are warmongers. Gentiles wage war with Jews only when they are pushed into a corner and must fight back. Let us start fighting once again like Christian soldiers. Onward Christian soldiers! No longer is there a place in Christendom for Christian wimps. Real men, men of honor, must stand up for righteousness and defeat the enemies of our Race our Lord and our white countries in American and Europe. We must help free the occupied people of Europe. We are the same racial body, the same culture, the same civilization and the same religion.

Jews hate all people, but they hate us most. We have been world leaders in invention, science and technology. We raised the quality of life around the globe. Not only have white Christians improved the lives of undeveloped people, but we have brought a modicum of fair play and decent treatment to the world. We live by the example of Christ. Thus, we have lifted the world off its knees. Our merciful leadership shows Jews up for the cruel, ruthless, animalistic tribe they are. Our goodness makes them burn with egotistical envy. Nothing is more cruel and inhumane than egotistical hatred. They will do anything - anything - to good people.
Jews feed off the world with lies, violence, racial hatred. Thus, thee world owes the Jews NOTHING, either! It is Christendom that helps the world and not the Jews.

Join me in praying for a way to overcome the Jews and take back our culture, our country and our freedom. The world needs us. The west is important to the world. We white Americans cannot let down the rest of the world. We cannot let down our brothers in Europe who are muzzled with hate laws and tyranny. Europeans hope the United States with our Constitutional free speech will get the truth out there and mobilize the world against Jewish tyranny. Don't concern yourselves with what happens to Jews. Kindness was not meant to be wasted on poisonous scorpions. Jews are like animals. Animals have a soul, but no spirit. Christ sent us His Holy Spirit.

God listens to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit receives our prayers. He is ready to help us fight the battle for truth, righteousness and freedom. He will not abandon us in the face of death. He will stay with us through the fires of hell. Be brave. Fight. Pray. Together, we will figure out a way to overcome and defeat Jewish occupation over America and all of Christendom.

Here is a C-span video worth watching: It is on Homeland and Terrorism, William Scanlan is interviewing Michael Scheuer.
