Sunday, March 7, 2010

Money and Media - the power of the Jews

Money and media. That is how the Jews control the United States - and the western nations. American citizens are taxed for the benefit of Jewish Bankers. For a long time we did not quite understand that we were paying taxes to the Federal Reserve Bank. That Jewish bank was established for the purpose of lending money to the USA government and the American workers are taxed to pay the interests on the loans. Our wages are skimmed off the top for the Jewish bankers.

In the beginning, the government issued its own money from capital gains taxes backed up by the gold and silver standards. The Jews saw enormous wealth in America, but Jewish bankers could not rip off the working class and small businesses that way. So, they sneaked in a central bank with a name to fool us into believing it was a branch of government.The Federal Reserve. To be sure weak, spineless Gentiles helped them...probaby because the Jews held some petty little issues over their heads. But even if Jews can't find anything bad in your background they will lie. They are expert smear mongers.

Now with the money Jews swindle from us they control the Gentile's mass media. We have the Internet, but it does not have the power or influence of the main stream media...television and movies. There is something really wrong with this whole scenario when Jews control the Gentile's communications media. Any fool can see they do. Media are very hostile to Whites. And very radical. They beat the drums for non-white interests over ours. They promote Third World immigration in spite of the opposition of the white host nations - calling it rights and fairness.

Ask youselves, do Jews know more about fairness than Christian Gentiles? Should Jews have more power than Gentiles in our culture? Should Gentiles be at the mercy of this bizare Jew's Fairness Doctrine forced on us by laws written by Jewish law firms like the ADL?

Jews are a bunch of Bolsheviks! They use Media like attack dogs lunging at the throats of white people. Frankly, the white People of the United States have not had a free press in the past sixty years. God must have been with us for us to even be functioning, but things are going from bad to worse. Other than the Internet we have nothing representing our interests, no one to tell us the truth, no access to vital information, nothing that we can be sure is honest and reliable. Jews have complete rigid control over our communications system. They call it fairness. Everything Jews do to Gentiles is called "fair" this and "fair" that.

We are no different than any group. We deserve to have charge of our information and that exists for the purpose of being on our side, giving us a voice, supporting our interests, .... But day after day after day white people are bullied and pummeled by a hate filled, radical, hostile media. This will go on forever unless we start raising hell about this situation and do what we must to take the Gentile media out of Jewish hands. Figure out ways to stop the money flow to Jewish banks and businesses. Throw a clincker in their money schemes.

Get mad. Be heard. Make demands.