Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jewish Communism vs. European Christendom.

Jews have been carrying out genocide against Christians for two thousand years. They never stop. When they slaughtered tens of thousands of Priests and Russian Christians under the rule of the Soviet Union they tried to make it appear to be a class war. If that had been the case, why did they pick on the Church? Because Communism is atheist, you say? Jews always try to make Christian genocide appear to be something it is not. True, Karl Marx made the remark that religion was the opiate of the masses. But Christianity has hardly been an opiate of the Christians. They have been under relentless attack since the time of Jesus Christ.

Karl Marx was an atheist. Most Jews are atheists. But that does not keep them from being dedicated to their Talmudic religion. Atheist or not Jews are entrenched in their Talmudic religion. Marxism is a formula of genocide of European Christendom. The Jews developed a whole systematic program around it, from atheism, to law, to class war, to racial war, to feminism, to abortion, to usury, to financial ruin and economic collapse.

The early Christians had to go underground. They were smeared, hunted down, thrown in prison, fed to wild animals and crucified. Now, that the Jews have power again they are back in the business of exterminating the Christians. Jewish Communism vs. European Christendom. Just like the so-called class war, this time, the Jews are using race and ethnic hatred.

We cannot overlook the Jewish wrath against Lebanese Christians and that Jewish Communism annihilated the Christians in Cambodia down to the very last Christian.

Jews know white Christians do not hate other races, but they are throwing up a smoke screen to obscure the fact that the Jews are trying to wipe out European Christians. Christians have been waylaid by these false charges. They are doing ridiculous things trying to prove they are not hate filled bigots. The Catholic Church breaks the law and caters to Hispanic Catholics which is breaking the Church treasury and making it unsafe for white Christians to go to Church. Furthermore, the Hispanic birthrate far exceeds that of white Catholics. Soon we will be the minority in America. That is the foolishness of the Catholic Church.

The Protestant Churches rush to black countries with the gospel which means very little to Black people. Naturally, Blacks will take food, medicine and accept some training in education. The only thing Protestants accomplish is to make Black feel healthy enough to simulate their sex life and create population explosions with even more poverty and starvation. That is the foolishness of the Protestant Church. After all these years, there is still no Black Christian nation. We are allowing all kinds of dishonest, burdensome and criminally inclined aliens into our white counties that side with the Jews in their war against us. They prey on the elderly, rape white Christian women and beat up white Christian children - all to prove we are not hate filled bigots.

We don't need to prove anything. This not a race war. We don't need to prove we are not bigots. This is the same old genocide the Jews have always carried out against the Christians since the time of Jesus Christ. Not only do the hands of the Jews drip with the blood of the Lord God, but they drip with the blood of millions of Christians. Any Christian who sides with the Jew in their genocidal war against Christendom cannot be looked on as a Christian. If we don't stop this genocide we may have to go underground like the early Christians if we are going to survive.

This is a war of genocide! Jewish Communism vs. European Christendom.