Thursday, July 9, 2009

What can White People do?

We need a world solution. Regardless how bad things seem all is not lost. We seem to be on a one way path to destruction. But never stop praying and never give up. Regardless how dire the situation is - never stop praying and never give up! That is how we fought the war for Independence and freedom. Our Founding Fathers took up guns and fought. They won. America is armed to the teeth. Our Founding Fathers meant for us to defend ourselves and our free Republic.

Christendom was never meant to be a haven for Jews. It was meant to be for those who built it - the White Race under the authority of Jesus Christ. The United States was founded on the freedom of Christ, but Jews turned it into a power base for Israel and a melting pot of free loaders, savage Blacks, barbaric Muds, a breeding ground for crime and corruption, violence, perversion, infanticide and Jewish supremacy. Jews lied their way in. They will die their way out.
Our Founding Fathers were revolutionaries. They were heroes. We are the descendants of heroes. We have that revolutionary spirit. We, too, will fight a war to the death for our freedom.

The West is Christendom. Every western nation here and in Europe, South Africa and Australia must be united in purpose and cause. The entire west must come to the consensus that we can no longer tolerate the Jewish presence or they will enslave us in their communist grip as surely as they did the old Soviet Union. They will destroy us the same way they destroyed all the other great cultures - Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah, Egypt, Greek Classical, the Roman Empire.... Those people were not much different than we. They lived a happy, progressive life until the Jews arrived. That was when they unraveled. Jews wormed their way into positions of power and enforced laws that favored race mixing (diversity) depravity and corruption. They bankrupted them and brought them down. Those people did nothing to deserve extinction while the parasitic Jews live on without any remorse as they continue to slash, kill and destroy. Now, the Jews are breaking the Christian west.

At one time or another every Christian nation in Europe expelled the Jews, but they come sneaking back in, whining about persecution, hatred and mistreatment, claiming Christ was a Jew like them and milking pity from kind hearted white people. This time, that phony ploy and bald faced lies must be stopped and put an end to. We have had enough. Sympathy for Jews is nothing but weakness and weakness is death.

Keep in mind that even if you are able to tame a predator its off spring will still be savage beasts. We cannot afford to excuse them all because of a few "nice" ones.

Put an end to diversity. They are hostile people. They do not have our vision, our purpose in life or our calling. They can only cripple us. Honesty means strength and not a mealy mouthed sympathy that destroys our civilization and the future of our descendants. Every one "nice" non-white you let in takes over the place of a white child and deprives him of his heritage. Don't cheat your children and grandchildren. Don't breed outside your race. It is betrayal of all the decent, hard working white people who fought and died for your right to live and be free. Understand what real honesty is.

A united attitude throughout the west will be the beginning of the end for the Jews. Once the collective decision is made in the minds of western men that dealing with the Jews is crucial, a responsibility that honest men can no longer avoid... the solutions will be amazingly easy.

Priests and Ministers, talk about the "hate" word and the "racist" word. Object to Christians being accused and condemned as hate filled bigots and racists. Do white Christians hate? Certainly not. We give more aid to non-whites than any race of people on earth. Are we racists? What is that? Karl Marx's buddy, Leon Trotsky, invented the word. Hence, reject it for what it is - a communist hate word to smear white Christians. The Jews got the Civil Rights Act passed by using the "hate" word and "racism." Do not continue to allow these communists to use hate against the sheep in your parishes and congregations. Urge those under your moral leadership to resist hate laws that destroy their rights, liberties and freedom. Freedom is what Christ gave us and must not be replaced by Jewish hate laws.
There are millions of things we can do to help ourselves every day.

Practical suggestions by Russell A. James, a renowned Social Theorist.

1.) Monitor what you consume. The Jewish Supremacists get a cut of almost everything you buy - from the food you eat, to the clothes you wear, to the car you drive. Try to buy from Whites only (especially racially conscious Whites). Whenever possible try to buy from small mom-and-pops and even better from resale shops. Grow as much of your own food as you can, growing a garden is both healthy and fun. If possible, homeschool your children, the public schools are cesspools of anti-White, misandristic perversion. Private schools are not significantly better. Finally, cut your cable, don't allow the Jewish homosexual propaganda that passes for entertainment into your home. Don't watch TV, go to Jewish (Hollywood) produced movies, or buy their books, newspapers, and magazines.

2.) Behave morally. The Jewish Extremists promote sexual depravity, including promiscuity, because they believe it reduces resistance to their domination and makes white women easy prey for Black and brown savages. They believe they can substitute sexual license for real freedoms. Develop a sense of purpose in life, find a spouse that will enable you to live a long, healthy, productive life with many children to help counter our demographic decline.

3.) Have lots of White babies.

4.) Vote against incumbents. The Jewish radicals control our government through manipulation of public opinion using their control of the media and by buying our politicians. Voting against incumbents takes this powerful weapon away. There is not a single member of the US Congress (other than Ron Paul) who is not owned by the Jews or sufficiently cowed by them as to be rendered impotent in our struggle against them and none of them deserve to be re-elected.

5.) Spread the word. Talk to your family, friends, and associates about what you have just learned. Don't preach, cajole, or force the issue, but we must stop being afraid of foolish, meaningless words like hate and racist and anti-semite. If we can't find the courage to overcome name-calling, how are we going to preserve a future for our children?
More later....