Sunday, March 7, 2010

Money and Media - the power of the Jews

Money and media. That is how the Jews control the United States - and the western nations. American citizens are taxed for the benefit of Jewish Bankers. For a long time we did not quite understand that we were paying taxes to the Federal Reserve Bank. That Jewish bank was established for the purpose of lending money to the USA government and the American workers are taxed to pay the interests on the loans. Our wages are skimmed off the top for the Jewish bankers.

In the beginning, the government issued its own money from capital gains taxes backed up by the gold and silver standards. The Jews saw enormous wealth in America, but Jewish bankers could not rip off the working class and small businesses that way. So, they sneaked in a central bank with a name to fool us into believing it was a branch of government.The Federal Reserve. To be sure weak, spineless Gentiles helped them...probaby because the Jews held some petty little issues over their heads. But even if Jews can't find anything bad in your background they will lie. They are expert smear mongers.

Now with the money Jews swindle from us they control the Gentile's mass media. We have the Internet, but it does not have the power or influence of the main stream media...television and movies. There is something really wrong with this whole scenario when Jews control the Gentile's communications media. Any fool can see they do. Media are very hostile to Whites. And very radical. They beat the drums for non-white interests over ours. They promote Third World immigration in spite of the opposition of the white host nations - calling it rights and fairness.

Ask youselves, do Jews know more about fairness than Christian Gentiles? Should Jews have more power than Gentiles in our culture? Should Gentiles be at the mercy of this bizare Jew's Fairness Doctrine forced on us by laws written by Jewish law firms like the ADL?

Jews are a bunch of Bolsheviks! They use Media like attack dogs lunging at the throats of white people. Frankly, the white People of the United States have not had a free press in the past sixty years. God must have been with us for us to even be functioning, but things are going from bad to worse. Other than the Internet we have nothing representing our interests, no one to tell us the truth, no access to vital information, nothing that we can be sure is honest and reliable. Jews have complete rigid control over our communications system. They call it fairness. Everything Jews do to Gentiles is called "fair" this and "fair" that.

We are no different than any group. We deserve to have charge of our information and that exists for the purpose of being on our side, giving us a voice, supporting our interests, .... But day after day after day white people are bullied and pummeled by a hate filled, radical, hostile media. This will go on forever unless we start raising hell about this situation and do what we must to take the Gentile media out of Jewish hands. Figure out ways to stop the money flow to Jewish banks and businesses. Throw a clincker in their money schemes.

Get mad. Be heard. Make demands.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Paranoia and Judicial Abuse

I read a document issued by the English Court where it was refusing to shorten the sentence of two Brits - Simon Shepherd and Stephen Whittle - who owned and wrote political pieces on a web site. It accused them of stirring up racial hatred against Jews; that they made derogatory remarks about Jews and Black people and printed material that was threatening, abusive or insulting toward various racial groups...

How ironic! Jews have been doing that to Gentiles for years! Rich Jews are in control of our media networks and the anti white propaganda machine called Hollywood. Has anyone stirred up more hatred against Gentiles than Jews? Has anyone incited more crime against a race than the Jews? Does anyone direct more libelous speech or insinuations implicating white people of hatred and racism than the Jews? We have been the victims of this kind of Jewish injustice for centuries. That court document in England is surely one of the most hysterical, paranoid court documents ever produced. If that is the way the Crown Court functions in England their whole judicial system is based on Jewish paranoia. Justice cannot be served in any court of law with that kind of paranoia running the Courts. It has reached the point in England where anything from a frown on one's face to a scratch on an automobile can be labeled "anti Semitic." The abuse of innocent citizens is unbelievable. All manner of irrational fears, unhinged imagination and uncontrollable hysteria grips that country.

Jewish history is filled with the atrocities Jews have committed against others. Even the Old Bible is filled with it. Jews are certainly aware of their own horrible history whether we are or not. But, the fly in the ointment is they are not sure how much we know or how much we may start remembering under duress of their increasing swindle and racial incitement. That is why they are jumping out of their skins.

The Jews understand what Gentile honesty can do to them. Honesty does not put up with the spiritual madness of dishonesty. Honesty does not compromise. Honesty is ruthless and efficient and if Gentile men are honest enough they will have the drive and determination to act ruthlessly and efficiently against Jewish injustice.

Hate laws and honesty cannot co-exist.

Americans must do everything we can to hang on to the sanity and good health of free speech. Under no circumstances must we allow this country to be run by the kind of judicial insanity and paranoia that holds Great Britain hostage.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

America is a Jewish Occupied Country

It goes without saying that men run the world. They look at the world in a much more objective way than a woman. But in this day and age many white women like myself are growing alarmed with the chaos we see around us. Millions of non-white races are coming into America and when they get here, they help bring in other non-white people to live at the expense of white civilization. We resist this kind of brazen intrusion and imposition. Those people have no business leaving their natural habitat.....Asia for Asians, The Middle East for Muslims, Turkey and Mongolia for the Jews, India for the Hindus, Africa for the Blacks, Mexico for the Mexicans. We built a country, America, founded on freedom for white people, but Jews are bringing the world to our shores over-running our white country and destroying our freedom. Jewish law firms, the ADL, the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center write our laws and rule over our judicial system. We and our resources are being bled to death.

What can a knowledgeable white woman do about this dreadful situation? Men run the world. Men know how other men think and they know what other men are capable of. But white men are failing America. The Jews have outfoxed white men. Our government has been sneaked out from under us by the Jews. The most powerful word that has undermined us is "fairness" which the Jews use to twist our sense of honor to their will. Jews have no sense of fairness. They only know the word is an effective one to use with honorable people. Jews still hide behind the written word - like newspapers- the spoken word- like the world wide television networks and weak traitors in the White House. They do not want us to notice that they have taken over by bringing us to heel with names like "anti Semites", "racists" and hate filled "bigots." Indeed, Jews use more racial slurs than the rest of the world combined. Count the numbers - more than two billion Asians, more than a billion Muslims, more than a billion Blacks and mix breeds and millions of Whites. Jews use the media to slur white people by trotting out Jew stooges and Blacks to interview on the major networks who help them use racial attacks against White people.

Israeli Jews are in the White House. The President of America is a Kenyan, Rham Emmanuel is an Israeli soldier from Israel who is the White House Chief of Staff. Another Israeli, David Axelrod, is the President's chief adviser. There are many other Israeli Jews occupying important and strategic positions in the White House.

Israeli Jews own our banking system and control our communications system. The Israeli lobby (a foreign lobby called AIPAC - American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) is the most powerful lobby in Washington DC. Why is a foreign lobby in Washington DC interfering with our governmental affairs? They should not even exist here, but less lobby our politicians. AIPAC finances the election campaigns of our political leaders which makes these men patsies to the Israeli Jews and to Israel rather than doing what they should be doing for white voters and the United States. These Politicians are scoundrels and traitors. They should be tried for treason and run out of the country on a rail. Hard times call for hard measures.

The American people don't want hordes of non-whites, we don't want open borders, we don't want forced integration, we don't want open housing that brings in non-whites and makes our communities unsafe for our children, women and elderly, we don't want Gay Rights laws (homosexuality is an enemy to white culture and can infect normal children for generations.) We don't want legalized abortion and a filthy entertainment industry and hate laws. We don't want a foreign people like the Israeli Jews with foreign interests running our banks and the economy, controlling our Public Information System, writing our laws and keeping us in the dark without a voice in our own affairs.

America is a Jewish occupied country.
We are a conquered people. Jews have out-lawed public displays of Christianity. They have replaced our sacred icons - the Christian Cross and the Nativity scenes - in the public square with Jewish Menorahs around the Whiter House (and allow other non-Christian religious symbols in public to conscript non-whites against us and stick a finger to Jesus Christ.) Christendom has been conquered by the Jews.

I pray every day for a way to help us get our country back, restore our freedom and make our Society once again a safe, happy place where children can grow up and do what God created us for - living great and wonderful lives that benefit the whole world.

The Jews are destroying the future of our children and replacing all of us with non white immigrants. White people are only eight percent of the world population and Jews are mobilizing the other ninety two percent of the non-white world against us with hate propaganda. They fully intend to wipe us out. Jews have always hated Gentiles. Jews have always waged wars with Gentiles. Jews are warmongers. Gentiles wage war with Jews only when they are pushed into a corner and must fight back. Let us start fighting once again like Christian soldiers. Onward Christian soldiers! No longer is there a place in Christendom for Christian wimps. Real men, men of honor, must stand up for righteousness and defeat the enemies of our Race our Lord and our white countries in American and Europe. We must help free the occupied people of Europe. We are the same racial body, the same culture, the same civilization and the same religion.

Jews hate all people, but they hate us most. We have been world leaders in invention, science and technology. We raised the quality of life around the globe. Not only have white Christians improved the lives of undeveloped people, but we have brought a modicum of fair play and decent treatment to the world. We live by the example of Christ. Thus, we have lifted the world off its knees. Our merciful leadership shows Jews up for the cruel, ruthless, animalistic tribe they are. Our goodness makes them burn with egotistical envy. Nothing is more cruel and inhumane than egotistical hatred. They will do anything - anything - to good people.
Jews feed off the world with lies, violence, racial hatred. Thus, thee world owes the Jews NOTHING, either! It is Christendom that helps the world and not the Jews.

Join me in praying for a way to overcome the Jews and take back our culture, our country and our freedom. The world needs us. The west is important to the world. We white Americans cannot let down the rest of the world. We cannot let down our brothers in Europe who are muzzled with hate laws and tyranny. Europeans hope the United States with our Constitutional free speech will get the truth out there and mobilize the world against Jewish tyranny. Don't concern yourselves with what happens to Jews. Kindness was not meant to be wasted on poisonous scorpions. Jews are like animals. Animals have a soul, but no spirit. Christ sent us His Holy Spirit.

God listens to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit receives our prayers. He is ready to help us fight the battle for truth, righteousness and freedom. He will not abandon us in the face of death. He will stay with us through the fires of hell. Be brave. Fight. Pray. Together, we will figure out a way to overcome and defeat Jewish occupation over America and all of Christendom.

Here is a C-span video worth watching: It is on Homeland and Terrorism, William Scanlan is interviewing Michael Scheuer.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Our Communist Regime

It is what it is.... Communism. The Jews are hatching every oppressive law imaginable. The ADL is behind most of them as well as the Civil Liberties Union and the Southern Poverty Law Center. We are becoming a land of Communist laws - all in the name of fairness, equality and rights. The Marxist brand of "fairness" is in no way like Christian fairness. Nor is Communist words like "rights" and "equality." Christian ideology has an entirely different definition of what constitutes fairness, rights and equality. It is individual freedom based a moral foundation of Chistrian doctrine.

What happened to Christian freedom.

All the laws a Christian nation would never do is being passed by Congress who swore to uphold the Constitution. Abortion, integration, Civil Rights, Fairness laws...and that is only the tip of the ice berg. It is amazing the names applied to these laws of oppression.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The new Religion

We have a new religion to worry about. It supplants all other religions. Invented by (who else) the Chosen Ones! Christianity is unable to compete. Like most religions, it is not founded on facts. It is founded on "beliefs" regardless of facts. Racism!. The nucleus of the new religion is a war against racism. Racism must be stamped out.

The real evil in this world is white racism. White people are racists and civilization is white racism. Clearly, racists are not human beings like everyone else. Racists are demons from hell and western civilization is hell. Racists and racism must be exterminated. You are not the right kind of person unless you feel that you must do what you can to destroy everything white and join in the new religion's army of the Black youth in South Africa who savagely murdered an unarmed white family. When asked why he did it he said he thought he was supposed to. That is the kind of disciple the new religion looks for and finds noble and worthy.

The world must be saved from the loathsome prejudice of white racists and the vile hatred of racism. Bigots must be wiped off the face of the earth. This is the new religion's prime tenet. It is readily evident in media via the television in your living room or the newspaper, promoted by the entertainment industry and taught in the institutions of higher learning.

But what if racism is nothing other than a hate tenet plucked out of the sky by a Jew named Leon Trotsky? What if it is based on thin air? What if the struggle against racism is like Karl Marx's hate tenets that produced the class struggle in Russia and wrought death, poverty and misery on the strugglers? What if racists turn out to be real people like everyone else? What if Gentiles, Christians, white people are not racists, at all? Or inhuman, at all? Aaaah, that would destroy this new religion gripping the west in its tentacles and Jews can't let that happen.

But what if the world's citizens discovered that the new religion is based on a mountain of lies which enriches the Jews beyond any group's wildest imagination and will not save them from anything except the immense loss of the world's greatest science?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Defense

I don't know what strategy the Jews came up with that destroyed those other great civilizations, but it was probably very much like the method they are using to destroy the west.

Jews would move into a culture, start working on taking over everything that belonged to the host people and then, in order to keep them from retaliating, someone like Karl Marx formulated a strategy to take the culture down. The rest of the Jews became devoted students of the strategy and dedicated their lives to carrying it out. The Old Bible is filled with their deception, robbery and atrocities - leaving behind ruined Civilizations. Everywhere the Jews went national disasters followed. Nothing remains of those great civilizations except the dug up graves of those once unique and creative people and their artifacts.

The angry, vengeful and vicious God of the Old Bible who - according to the Jews - commanded the Jews to deceive, trick, rip off and wipe out whole cultures of people is certainly not the Father of Jesus Christ. Jesus was compassionate. He did not lie and manipulate. He had no money and was not wealthy. He did not even own a pillow on which to lay His head. He was moral and honest. He said truth - not beliefs or love for every alien that comes down the pike - would set us free. He taught honesty and purity and good will. He was against dishonesty and taking what others produce and work for. Indeed, Jesus Christ took a whip to the dishonest Jews and lashed them out of the Temple for using God's House as a den of thieves where they took advantage of the Faithful. Everything Jesus did was the will of His Father and His Father was nothing like the God of the Jews in the Old Bible.

The brilliance of the Germans gave Karl Marx the leverage he needed to formulate his strategy for the destruction of the West. The Frankfurt School of Social Research soon followed and turned out dozens of well trained combatants. In Germany, Hitler understand what was happening and threw the Jews out and their Frankfurt school. The Frankfurt School moved to the University of California at Berkeley although the Jews had already gotten their central Bank, the Federal Reserve (to swindle the American people), established without the people's knowledge or consent.

Young Jews all over America attended the Frankfurt School. They now fill our universities where they carry on their training and indoctrination. These little communists commandos instigated the race riots and the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Then came the sexual revolution. One disaster followed another. Like the Egyptian King in the Old Bible who was manipulated by his Jewish whore, Esther, to murder Haman, his ten sons and 75 thousand Egyptians (for being wise to what the Jews were doing), our leaders are as weak and cowardly as the King. Weakness does us in every time.

The Oval Office in White Christian America is now in the hands of those same vicious, Christ hating, gentile hating Jews and an ignorant Black puppet who does not know his head from a hole in the ground. Obama does not make decisions. He does not know how. He's Black. Jews make the decisions for this country.

The whole Washington apparatus is the weak organ of white America. But white people are rebelling. Jews did not expect the anger they see exploding across America over their communist hate Health Plan. You can be sure the Jews are studying the Communist Manifesto and every nook and cranny of their Frankfurt Social Research instructions to come up with a big lie to water down White anger - as if we are nothing but cattle. But it may not work. The German Holocaust Revisionist, Ernst Zundel, said "Americans are armed to the teeth. Those people are the descendants of the Founding Fathers who fought for Independence and religious freedom and who wrote the greatest Constitution on earth. The Founding people settled the country. They weathered the harsh elements. They fought hostile Indians. They died at the Alamo. They will fight again. The American people are noble."

When Karl Marx wrote his formula from hell it gave the Jews what they needed to take off like a bullet. With their little text books in hand and other Jewish intellectuals adding pages to it with new methods and strategies the Jews are well on the road to wrecking Christendom.

As things stand the White people are impotent. They have no defense. White Intellectuals who rock the world with great science and technology have not developed a defense. Talking about the Jews without developing a defense is not the way to save civilization. Hate was the operative word for Karl Marx. What is the key around which we formulate a defense?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What can White People do?

We need a world solution. Regardless how bad things seem all is not lost. We seem to be on a one way path to destruction. But never stop praying and never give up. Regardless how dire the situation is - never stop praying and never give up! That is how we fought the war for Independence and freedom. Our Founding Fathers took up guns and fought. They won. America is armed to the teeth. Our Founding Fathers meant for us to defend ourselves and our free Republic.

Christendom was never meant to be a haven for Jews. It was meant to be for those who built it - the White Race under the authority of Jesus Christ. The United States was founded on the freedom of Christ, but Jews turned it into a power base for Israel and a melting pot of free loaders, savage Blacks, barbaric Muds, a breeding ground for crime and corruption, violence, perversion, infanticide and Jewish supremacy. Jews lied their way in. They will die their way out.
Our Founding Fathers were revolutionaries. They were heroes. We are the descendants of heroes. We have that revolutionary spirit. We, too, will fight a war to the death for our freedom.

The West is Christendom. Every western nation here and in Europe, South Africa and Australia must be united in purpose and cause. The entire west must come to the consensus that we can no longer tolerate the Jewish presence or they will enslave us in their communist grip as surely as they did the old Soviet Union. They will destroy us the same way they destroyed all the other great cultures - Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah, Egypt, Greek Classical, the Roman Empire.... Those people were not much different than we. They lived a happy, progressive life until the Jews arrived. That was when they unraveled. Jews wormed their way into positions of power and enforced laws that favored race mixing (diversity) depravity and corruption. They bankrupted them and brought them down. Those people did nothing to deserve extinction while the parasitic Jews live on without any remorse as they continue to slash, kill and destroy. Now, the Jews are breaking the Christian west.

At one time or another every Christian nation in Europe expelled the Jews, but they come sneaking back in, whining about persecution, hatred and mistreatment, claiming Christ was a Jew like them and milking pity from kind hearted white people. This time, that phony ploy and bald faced lies must be stopped and put an end to. We have had enough. Sympathy for Jews is nothing but weakness and weakness is death.

Keep in mind that even if you are able to tame a predator its off spring will still be savage beasts. We cannot afford to excuse them all because of a few "nice" ones.

Put an end to diversity. They are hostile people. They do not have our vision, our purpose in life or our calling. They can only cripple us. Honesty means strength and not a mealy mouthed sympathy that destroys our civilization and the future of our descendants. Every one "nice" non-white you let in takes over the place of a white child and deprives him of his heritage. Don't cheat your children and grandchildren. Don't breed outside your race. It is betrayal of all the decent, hard working white people who fought and died for your right to live and be free. Understand what real honesty is.

A united attitude throughout the west will be the beginning of the end for the Jews. Once the collective decision is made in the minds of western men that dealing with the Jews is crucial, a responsibility that honest men can no longer avoid... the solutions will be amazingly easy.

Priests and Ministers, talk about the "hate" word and the "racist" word. Object to Christians being accused and condemned as hate filled bigots and racists. Do white Christians hate? Certainly not. We give more aid to non-whites than any race of people on earth. Are we racists? What is that? Karl Marx's buddy, Leon Trotsky, invented the word. Hence, reject it for what it is - a communist hate word to smear white Christians. The Jews got the Civil Rights Act passed by using the "hate" word and "racism." Do not continue to allow these communists to use hate against the sheep in your parishes and congregations. Urge those under your moral leadership to resist hate laws that destroy their rights, liberties and freedom. Freedom is what Christ gave us and must not be replaced by Jewish hate laws.
There are millions of things we can do to help ourselves every day.

Practical suggestions by Russell A. James, a renowned Social Theorist.

1.) Monitor what you consume. The Jewish Supremacists get a cut of almost everything you buy - from the food you eat, to the clothes you wear, to the car you drive. Try to buy from Whites only (especially racially conscious Whites). Whenever possible try to buy from small mom-and-pops and even better from resale shops. Grow as much of your own food as you can, growing a garden is both healthy and fun. If possible, homeschool your children, the public schools are cesspools of anti-White, misandristic perversion. Private schools are not significantly better. Finally, cut your cable, don't allow the Jewish homosexual propaganda that passes for entertainment into your home. Don't watch TV, go to Jewish (Hollywood) produced movies, or buy their books, newspapers, and magazines.

2.) Behave morally. The Jewish Extremists promote sexual depravity, including promiscuity, because they believe it reduces resistance to their domination and makes white women easy prey for Black and brown savages. They believe they can substitute sexual license for real freedoms. Develop a sense of purpose in life, find a spouse that will enable you to live a long, healthy, productive life with many children to help counter our demographic decline.

3.) Have lots of White babies.

4.) Vote against incumbents. The Jewish radicals control our government through manipulation of public opinion using their control of the media and by buying our politicians. Voting against incumbents takes this powerful weapon away. There is not a single member of the US Congress (other than Ron Paul) who is not owned by the Jews or sufficiently cowed by them as to be rendered impotent in our struggle against them and none of them deserve to be re-elected.

5.) Spread the word. Talk to your family, friends, and associates about what you have just learned. Don't preach, cajole, or force the issue, but we must stop being afraid of foolish, meaningless words like hate and racist and anti-semite. If we can't find the courage to overcome name-calling, how are we going to preserve a future for our children?
More later....